Thursday, 17 May 2012

Ticking along

I've not been very good lately here have I? The she boss has been on the computer lately and I always come and sit by her and remind her but she's been busy with other things. Some of it's pretty interesting as it involves lots of bits of paper which she drops on the floor. I'm not supposed to have them but I sneak one off sometimes to munch on until I get caught.
We had everyone living here again one night a few days ago. It was just like that exciting time when it's cold and they throw LOADS of paper away. I don't know why I say 'when it's cold', it's been really cold anyway and they've been lighting the fire for me.
It feels like the sort of light when we start going away to live in the flappy house but I don't want to go cos I'll be too cold. Mind you, thefriendPeter came by very early one day and took one of our flappy houses away with him. We haven't seen him since so maybe he's still in it somewhere. I hope he's OK. I'm not sorry he didn't take me with him though
It's been so wet we've had 2 Mr and Mrs Mallard's come and stay on my field. The puddles have been big enough to be ponds for them nearly. We've had lots of baby little long tail tits in our garden too which are fun to watch.

We had one day that was sunny enough for me and the she boss to go for a lloooonnnnggg walk over our favourite hills and there were no scary noises so we both had a really nice time. We had a couple of adventures though. One was when another dog decided he didn't like me while I was sitting with the she boss having lunch. That was a bit scary cos the she boss was sitting on the ground. The other adventure was when the she boss dropped her egg for lunch and had to go running down the hill for it.

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