I've just taken the he and she boss out for the day. They are SOOO embarrassing. First we had a good walk to see a windy miller thing which was pretty good especially as it was a stopping place for eating and drinking. There was a man called gayDon up there who apparently thought I looked a nice little black dog but the she boss had to interpret for me cos he only talked on one note. People are usually easy to understand cos they talk in interesting voices.
I'm not sure what was happening in this picture or who was taking who which way. It was generally a bit of a mad walk.

And as for this one. The he boss went off into a red box thing and next thing I knew, he was talking to the she boss on her phone. What was all that about then? He said he wanted to reminisce or something. I didn't understand what the fuss was about. Crazy if you ask me

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